Take control of your aesthetics with Botulinum Toxin (Botox, Dysport, Xeomin,

Daxxify) treatments. Using a special technique, Dr. Dorfman takes numerous

measurements and performs detailed facial markings, to precisely place each

unit of Botox. Dr. Dorfman is an expert at injecting all genders, and uses a

specialized approach to keep his patients looking natural and balanced.

Especially when used in appropriate doses, Botox treatments are highly effective

at preventing wrinkle formation and reducing signs of aging. As a master

injector, Dr. Dorfman’s services are sought after by celebrities, influencers,

musicians, athletes, and executives throughout the country, and beyond. By

providing complimentary touch-up services, the Done by Dorfman™ clinic keeps

you looking your best throughout your entire aesthetic journey.

o We offer Botox for the following treatment areas:

 Forehead

 Glabella (11’s)

 Crow’s Feet

 Masseter

 Lip Flip

 Nefertiti Lift (Jowl Correction)

 Depressor Anguli Oris (DAO)

 Gummy Smile Correction

 Bunny Lines Correction

 Platysmal Band (Neck) Correction

 Trapezius (aka “Trap-Tox”)

 Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating) of the Hands, Feet & Axilla